Why Choose F.

The company is financially stable !
The products are something people want and need !
Communication products i.e cellphones are used habitually and uncounciously all
day every day.
Today 271 million people in the U.S. have a wireless phone and it is predicting that by
2013, there will be as many active cell phones as people in the U.S
The compensation plan is generous !
- Compensation Video
We Offer Five Forms of Income.
1. Personal Fast Start Weekly Bonuses,
2. Fast Start Leadership Bonuses,
3. Unlimited Weekly Leadership Bonuses,
4. Monthly Residual Income,
5, Unlimited Leadership Residual Bonuses,
- Cell Phone bill paid FOR LIFE?
Thats right; by gatering 5 wireless customers any FMG representative earns free cellular services for life.
The timing is right !
Timing is everything in Business! You are the first person you know that knows Freedom Wireless exists.
For over 20 years, no one has ever been paid when they pay their wireless bill.
If 10 million customers switched to AT&T to use an iPhone in 2008, how many customers do you think will switch
to Freedom Wireless to completly eliminate their wireless bill? (Millions)

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