There is a way for
you to eliminate your
wireless bills

and make $500 to $2500 per month showing others how to do the same.  Learm more by
                                             Saying 'Hello' To Freedom5 

Freedom 5

The Freedom "5" Preferred Customer Program


Join the Freedom preferred customer program for a one time fee of only $199.99 and a monthly membership fee of *$19.95 per month. d

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  • Get Paid $100.00 when you switch your service to Freedom Wireless powered by Sprint in your 1st 7 days!
  • Get Paid up to $5.00 per month on your own wireless bill!
  • Refer and maintain a minimum of 5 wireless customers to Freedom Wireless and your bill is absolutely FREE each and every month!
    (Get up to 3 Free Lines per Preferred Customer.) ex. refer 15 customers and you get 3 free lines, 3 of those lines can come out your own home!
  • For Every "Preferred Customer" that you bring to Freedom Marketing Group .. We will pay you from $100.00 to $275.00 No limit!

If you are a current Sprint Customer you can take advantage of this program whether you are in a contract or not.

Here's How!

You can maintain your current Sprint cell phone number and your current wireless device without worrying about a termination fee.  No Problem! Simply download the form below and fill it out signed and fax it back to this number 1-888-673-8143         Transfer of Liability Form

You can now become a preferred customer and begin taking advantage of this Awesome Program!

           Join our Opportunity      Request More Information 


   Business Opportunity

     ** Team Vulcan **




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